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InovaPlus Offerings
Making Your Job Easier
Inova’s retirement program, powered by ERISA Partners, allows employees to save for retirement on pre-tax basis while business owners can take advantage of a larger tax break. It features 360° integration with Inova HCM and both traditional 401(k) plans & Pooled Employer Plans (PEP) are available.
Pay-as-you-go subscription laminated state and federal compliance posters sent to each client location. Federal, state, county, and city labor law e-updates are available in English and Spanish.
Manually responding to employment and income verification inquiries is time-consuming, risky, and costly to your company. That’s why Inova has partnered with empinfo to offer free automated employment and income verification for our Inova HCM clients. empinfo expedites the process to help your employees in their life-changing events while safeguarding their privacy and saving you time and money.
Visa-branded card to eliminate paper checks, freight charges, and weather delays or pay unbanked employees. There is no charge to the employer or employee.
Insurance to cover employee injuries that occur on the job. Premiums are calculated each payroll and no down payment is necessary, which improves cash flow management.
Employers earn tax credits for hiring approved types of candidates (receiving government assistance, disabled vet, etc.). Approximately 15% of new hires qualify for credits.
Our Inova-branded HR support center is the “Google” of HR forms, templates, trainings, and handbooks. This also provides you access to SHRM-certified HR professionals.